The Plan (Such as it is)


In mid Sep 08, I plan to catch the European Bike Express (Bus) to Bordeaux on Fri18 Sep and then off into the (hopefully) wild blue yonder early the following (Sunday) morning.  At 80km, or so, a day thats a fortnight (give or take) to Santiago for the end of Sep...

If the legs and bike hold out on the hills, the lack of French or Spanish don't get me mugged and I can cope without a dozen cups of good coffee a day and taking pot luck at the Refuge / Albergue or a 'Bivvy Bag'.  Fun? 

Maybe not (look at the hill on Day 3) - but then 'Know your limits and strive to exceed them' ....So off we go and wish me luck.


The 'Camino' (Pilmgrimage) Route I am going for is in red below and more detail can be got at the links, as I plan...

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